Over 90 years ago, J. & J. Dechane Laboratories (P) Ltd., was founded in 1917 in Hyderabad, India, by the late D. F. de Souza, a man born before his time, who combined in a unique fashion, great vision, with vast knowledge of the different systems of medicine.
D. F .de Souza sought to combine the best in all the three systems of medicine- modern, allopathy, ayurveda and homeopathy. His aim was to provide effective drugs for India’s masses, with minimal side effects and at low cost. Herbo- mineral medicines, the result of his untiring efforts and single minded devotion was an array of over 50 unique preparations, designed to treat common ailments, and providing efficacy, safety and economy.
Dechane – Popular drugs in rural India, over the last eighty years, J. & J. DeChane herbo-mineral medicines have become popular, particularly in rural India – from the villages of Kerala and Tamilnadu to the villages of UP and Punjab, and from the villages in Gujarat and Maharashtra to the remote villages in Assam. The efficacy of the products helped to build up peoples’ faith in DeChane medicines .This in fact, is the large body of unpublished clinical trails for those time tested remedies. Many modern remedies are herbal. Very often the question arises are these herbal medicines part of modern science , or are they outdated. Many modern remedies are in any case herbal – eg Digitalis, Reserpine, Ergot and even Corticosteroids. Unfortunately , many of these remedies , although proved in usefulness in practice , have not been studied in depth in the same organized manner as some modern remedies.
This is where J. & J. DeChane are trying to make a contribution with organized and systematic studies of herbo- mineral medicines. DeChane medicines have a place in modern drug therapy. Many modern doctors feel that there has been great advance in the medical field , and this is true. However there are still many problems . Bacteria are daily getting resistant to drugs like sulphas and antibiotics .Testing is always not possible before administering specific therapy. In these circumstances, there must be something that the doctor can use which is tried, tested – and safe.

DeChane’s Herbo- Mineral medicines are based on the principles of three important systems of medicines viz., Ayurveda, Allopathy and Homeopathy.
Herbo Mineral Medicines are a combination of various drugs which are processed by constant grinding so as to render them effective even in the small dosage. These medicines besides being efficacious and rapid in action, are without any untoward reactions

“Working of the human mind,
Frailties of the human body,and
the angelic aspiration of his soul.”
The above are the three functions which play the most important part in the treatment of diseases.
One has to know the association of one with other.There can be no routine form of treatment in any disease but there are routine remedies to meet the requirements of routine conditions.Hence the need for combinations, not only of medicines but of medical theories also. It is to this task that we have devoted ourselves. This thinking has conditioned the formulation of DeChane Herbo- Mineral Remedies because we consider man as complete unit, his different systems comprising parts of a well-balance whole.
All DeChane medicines may be combined with one another and upon intelligent combination depends the success of medicine in general.
DeChane’s Herbo- Mineral medicines work rapidly in both acute and chronic cases. Once the medicine has acted beneficially, even a maintenance dose is sufficient to keep the progress and to help nature.
We adhere to various procedural checks and controls to ensure that the products is of the required quality. This is by our Quality Control and Assurance Department which is well equipped with the latest Analytical instruments.
We have layed down various in house and Pharmacopeial specifications for each step from the testing of raw materials to finished products and also standardized and validated all our systems like water supply. Procurement of specific ingredients, quality testing, manufacturing procedures, cleaning procedures etc.
All the crude drugs are tested for microscopic & macroscopic specifications. Phytochemical screenings for the presence of Activity Secondary Metabolites, viz., Alkaloids, Tannins, Flavonoids., etc., and alcohol, water soluble extract, Ash values, and Volatile substances. Extracts are tested for description, pH, water soluble extract, etc.
All the finished products viz., Tablets, Capsules, Syrups, Injectables, Oils, Ointments, & Powders are tested for average weights, disintegration time, diameter, thickness, moisture, volume, color sedimentation, taster, pH, clarity etc.. We have separate Microbiological Laboratory for testing the Microbial contamination in all the products.

We have always believed in the common approach of prevention rather than cure only through the creation of sound health. We will be able to raise our standard of living and make definite progress in reducing the incidence of disease.
The value of health is appreciated only when we lose it. most complaints may be said to be due to improper nutrition, digestion, assimilation and elimination, mental and nervous disturbances.
Our physical well being depends in large measure with proper attention to the above factors and with a regulated disciplines lifestyles by knowing how to accept life philosophically and how to take care of one’s own health and the health of those entrusted to his care.
We stress on the spiritual side of medical work. Spiritual development does not merely play upon the imagination but arouses the special faculties of the soul, It is with this soul-force combined with co-operation with doctor and the medicines that the patient gets well or learns to bear up to the pains and inconveniences of the disease with calm resignation and a smile.