Acidity can be described as a condition wherein there is an excess of acid secretion by the gastric glands of stomach. Our body produces acid to digest the food we eat. However, problem strikes, when it produces more acid than what is required. It is, then, that the gastric juices move from the stomach, into the lower esophagus, making it dysfunctional.
Excessive smoking, Drinking too much alcohol, Peptic ulcer, Eating fried and spicy food on a regular basis, Problems in the functioning of digestive system, Being on an empty stomach for a long time or skipping breakfast, Eating foods rich in fats, like chocolates, Pregnancy, Excessive exposure to sun and heat, Inappropriate food habits, Aging
Burning sensation or pain in the stomach, after a meal, Chest pain, Prolonged heartburn, Feeling hungry frequently, Constant pain in the upper abdomen, Belching, Bitter taste in mouth, Loss of appetite, Gastro-esophageal reflux.
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