BIOSAL-Ayurvedic gripe water from DeChane,is a dependable herbal remedy for digestive troubles afflicting infants and children of young age. Biosal is free from ALCOHOL, CHLOROFORM, NARCOTICS and SEDATIVES.
Biosal has nine Ayurvedic herbs. Pipli is antibacterial and hepatoprotective. Balaharde is used in flatulence. Sunth and Ajwan are used as aromatics, carminatives, stimulants and digestives. Bach helps in easy digestion. Revandchini acts as an astringent bitter and is useful in diarrhoea. Jethimadh modulates the immune system. Talispatra is a carminative and stomachic.
Biosal is used to treat stomach-ache, flatulence, sleeplessness, acidity and teething disorders. It gives relief in colic, prevents diarrhoea and gives tone to the digestive system.
New born infants: 1/4 teaspoon 2 to 3 times a day.
1 month to 6 months: 1-2 teaspoon 2 to 3 times a day.
6 months to 1 year: 1 teaspoon 2 to 3 times a day.
2 years: 1 to 2 teaspoons 2 to 3 times a day.
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Hi, the BIOSAL-Ayurvedic gripe water from DeChane is very
good, congratulations to dechane.com’ authors.
I found a product that changed my life.
Love yourself and be happy! 🙂 Kisses!